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What is Praise?

According to Webster, Praise is to express warm approval or admiration of something or someone.

In the original Greek, Praise means to sing, tell of, or confess as a witness of something or someone. Spiritually speaking, it means to be thankful for God’s blessings, declaring His goodness not only to God but also to others. Here are some examples in Scripture:

  • Psalms 9:1-3, 18:2-3 and 28:2, & 6-7 describes how to praise God for what He has done for us.

  • Psalm 79:13 explains that we are to praise God by teaching our children the knowledge of his mercy, grace, and goodness.

  • Hebrews 13:15 tells us that instead of using sacrifices towards God, we can offer him praise and thanks. In this verse we see that giving praise can actually be a form of sacrifice.

  • Acts 16:25, recounts the story of Paul and Silas after being thrown into prison and chained, praised God under horrid circumstances. The praises of these men brought the supernatural power of God into the jail by way of what appeared to be earthquake. The jail doors flung open and the chains of all the prisoners supernaturally came loose!

These scriptures highlight that praise is an outward expression, of gratitude to God for His goodness and mercy to us. True praise comes from deep within your heart and soul.

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