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TOPAZ – Divine Wisdom

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

According to Jewish folklore, the topaz was the 2nd most desired gemstone which is interesting because it’s the 2nd stone in the Breastplate. Ancient folklore states that this stone was given as a reminder to use good judgment in all decisions.

Exodus 28:3, just before giving the instructions for the breastplate, God says to “speak to all who are wise of heart.”

According to Jewish tradition, Jacob and Leah’s second son, Simeon, was believed to embody the quality of spiritual hearing. His name actually means “Hearkening; listening” because Leah, his mother said, “The Lord has given me this son also because He has heard that I am not loved.” Genesis 29:33. Listening is a key component of wisdom. We truly earn wisdom by hearing God and obeying Him. Hearkening means to give heed or attention to what is said; to listen. In the book of proverbs, God tells us “Hearken unto chastening, and be wise; refuse it not”.

Two additional stones were placed inside the breastplate called the Urim and Thummim, meaning “Lights and Perfection” (Exodus 28:30). Light is a metaphor for wisdom/enlightenment. Additionally, wisdom is mentioned 222 times in the Bible. Can you see a recurring theme?

  • If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. God is generous. He enjoys giving to all people, so God will give you wisdom. James 1:5-8

  • How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16

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