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TURQUOISE – Power of Praise

The 4th stone of the breastplate is turquoise and was highly valued by ancient Egyptians as it was worn by Egyptian healers and rulers alike. Many soldiers had turquoise stones pressed into the metal of their armor and in their turbans. Evidence of extensive mines was discovered along the Nile River and in the desert areas of Mount Sinai.

Some translations of the Bible list this stone as chalcedony; however, much exposure is given to turquoise in rabbinical writings and commentaries. The newer translations like the NIV include the turquoise over chalcedony.

Judah is the tribe that is assigned the turquoise stone and Judah means “Praise the LORD”. In Jacob’s final testament, he blessed Judah with the leadership role of Israel stating: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the legislator from between his feet, until Messiah comes”. This blessing is actually a prophetic statement, as Messiah, Jesus Christ, is the Lion of Judah mentioned in Revelation 5. The messianic line of Christ can be traced to Judah. And, Jesus’ number one ministry on earth was healing people, giving life back to those who had died, and redeeming humanity.

Tammuz: The month associated with this gemstone is Tammuz. It goes from June 22 through July 22. Historically this has been a very tragic month, however, it was during this month that the prophet Ezekiel sees the likeness of Christ (Son of Man) on His throne. You can find that account in Ezekiel 1.

The Crab Claws: The constellation assigned to this month and the turquoise gemstone is the Crab (Cancer). This star sign did not start out like a crab but rather just the claw and it speaks of eternal security. In the book, "Looking Up" by Pastor Troy Brewer, Pastor Troy states the original meaning of the claw is "not letting go" He explains: "The Arabic name for this sign is Al Sartan, means "Who holds or binds", and in the Hebrew, it means to "bind together and in the Greek, it means "holding or encircling" As you can see, the star sign of the claw implies "not letting go".

For more information on how all this fits with Praise, check out the book, Dressing for the Battle, Armed to Win and learn how the gemstones of the priestly breastplate expose a battle plan of sorts that aligns with the tribes of Isreal, the months of the Hebrew calendar and the constellation. This battle plan is an exciting revelation of God's thoughts toward us, His children, how to battle the enemy and win by decreeing God's Word over our circumstances, our lives, and the lives of our children. In chapter four of this book, Turquoise, Praising the LORD, you will discover how praise and worship change the dynamics of our problems and gives us power to be victorious.

  • Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Psalm 103:1

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