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Looking Forward 2022

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

Can we see the signs of the times in the Periodic Table of Elements, and could it be prophetically linked to our years? Maybe. Humor me a bit as we take a look. The number 21 on the Table is assigned to the element Scandium. Scandium is mostly known for its illuminating and recharging qualities. I believe that 2021 was a year of illumination for the church as well as the nation and even the world. Pick a topic, and you can definitely see some exposure or awakening going on. From the media storms over the election, Hunter Biden's laptop, as well as the expose' of the pandemic, human trafficking, and election fraud, to church leaders stumbling over themselves. 2021 proved to be an illuminating year. But I also believe it was a year of recharging, especially for many believers. I do believe the political parties have also recharged their missions, but spiritually speaking, many believers have come full circle in their faith walk. Prophets are coming out the woodwork, being given dreams and visions and a fresh new word to the church.

Continuing this premise, the number 22 on the Periodic Table is assigned to the element of Titanium (Ti), which is a lightweight, high-strength, structural metal. Titanium is naturally widely distributed throughout the earth and constitutes 0.44 percent of the earth’s crust. This metal is found in rocks, sand, clay, and soil. It is also present in plants and animals, natural waters, the deep sea, meteorites, and stars. It is non-corrosive, the strongest metal known to man, yet the most flexible. As a result, it’s considered a transitory or transitioning metal, and it’s highly valuable. It’s also refractory, which means it is unmovable and resistant to high temperatures.

Looking at all of this from a purely spiritual perspective, perhaps 2022 will be a year of transition, flexibility, and high value. The unmovable portion of Ti compared to an esoteric view of what 2022 might be, considering its qualities, might be construed as both good and bad. Immovable faith is excellent, but stubbornness is not so great. The fact that 22 is a double number might lend the imagination to twins. Perhaps this year may show some people to be flexible, and for others, not so much. Perhaps we may see both manifesting in our lives. Regardless, I think I’m safe making the assumption based on the past two years that 2022 will most likely be a year of transition, just like the mineral Ti, resistant to corrosion and high temps. At least, that is where I will place my thoughts for the moment.

When thinking about Ti being non-corrosive, it reminds me of what Jesus stated in Matthew 6:19-21 “19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” But notice what verse 22 says (since we are talking about the number 22) “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light." Interestingly, Titanium is a light silver, reflective element. Well, that's something.

This coming year of 2022 has already started in the Hebrew calendar, and it’s the year 5782. I looked up this number as a whole number in Strong’s concordance, and this is what I found: "This number (5782) is associated with the opening of eyes, to be roused, stirred up, incited, excited, triumphant, and awake." Ok, that’s something else to ponder, given the political terminology in ALL OF THAT.

Additionally, the number 22 in the Bible is associated with power, chaos, and destruction. Jeroboam reigned for 22 years and is best known for dividing the nation of Israel. King Ahab, a terrible king of Israel, also reigned for 22 years. He brought chaos and murder to the nation. Does any of this sound like modern-day America? Or really, the world? Regardless of your political affiliation or belief, you have to admit; this is a head-scratcher. Now before your eyes roll back inside your head, there is a bright side.

The number 22 is an ancient symbol of God’s power. Here is why I say that. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, and these letters compose the Word of God. According to Psalms, God’s word is a “lamp,” a source of light. The Old Testament has 22 books that represent God’s light to people. In the New Testament, the Gospel of John mentioned the word “light” 22 times, and the 22nd time it is mentioned, it describes Jesus as the “light” of the world. The last words of Jesus on the cross were the quote from Psalm 22. I could go on about the number two representing wisdom, but at the risk of sounding redundant, I’ll just leave it at that.

You may be thinking, “that’s a lot of information,” and perhaps it is. Let's add a bit more info to all this. Many modern-day prophets are declaring a shaking is coming to the nation, and there are others who claim a transition of God’s power will be coming on the Church (not a denomination, but the global believers in Christ) and still others saying prepare, prepare, prepare. You may be asking yourself, “Who do I believe?” In reality, all of them are correct. In Corinthians, the Apostle Paul stated that we “know in part and we prophesy in part.” (c13:9) That means that God gives a partial word to many people.

As for me, I will do my best to prepare for whatever God brings or allows to come into my life and my path. Yes, prepare. Prepare in several ways. Physically prepare just in case there is another physical shaking to the nation. After all, it was less than a year ago that we had the frozen apocalypse where most everyone in Texas was without power for one or more weeks. So, yes, prepare for something like that. Also, I live in the gulf south. We have floods, high winds, and hurricanes. Do I need to mention that we have a supply chain crisis in our nation right now? And in many states, food shortages. And that is just the beginning. Turn on the news and listen to all the other crises that we are facing nationally. So yes, prepare physically. But I will also prepare spiritually for whatever may show up on my path. I do that by studying God’s Word. You will never recognize counterfeit anything unless you know the truth. So I will arm myself with the knowledge of God’s Word, which leads to wisdom. In this way, when chaos decides to park on my path, I will not be shaken. And like the Titanium description that I mentioned earlier, I will be flexible and strong, able to withstand the heat that chaos brings while still holding my reflectiveness of Christ in my life. Another way I will prepare is mentally and emotionally. When chaos happens, I do not want to be a victim, so I will meditate, unplug and relax regularly, and surround myself with positive influences in my life by surrounding myself with people who will encourage and pray for me.

Finally, spending plenty of time alone with my creator, who sustains me, speaking His Word over my life, my circumstances, and my loved ones will also help protect me and give me strength. Speaking God’s Word over your life is called a decree. I will make decrees of God’s Word in and over my life, and I do it often. This is not a “name it, claim it” theology, but rather, it’s an Authority theology. You can read more about that in my book, Dressing for the Battle, Armed to Win, The Breastplate of Righteousness. Shameless plug, I know, but the link is below, and the reviews are great.

Finally,Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always.” Philippians 4:8 TPT

Happy New Year!

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