As we moved out of 2023 and into 2024, I looked, once again, at what the periodic table of elements might have to say. Last year, I looked at the 23rd element of Vanadium, which was named after the Scandinavian goddess known for war, sex, idolatry, gold, and beauty. It’s only found in South Africa, China, and Russia, with China and Russia holding most of the reserves, meaning they own most of the world’s supply of this element.
2023 saw an ongoing war with Russia and a new war being waged against Israel, along with China in the mix. Vanadium is also used as an additive to steel to make it stronger. It’s used in military armor.
For a more in-depth look at this, check out my previous blogs entitled Looking Back-Looking Forward 2023 and the previous year’s Looking Back-Looking Forward.
So, as we continue to move forward into 2024, let’s look at the 24th element of Chromium. There is not much history on this element; however, what I did find is that it is the most reflective of all the elements, and our bodies need it. That’s it, folks. That is all I was able to find.
However, if you add the numbers of each digit in 2024, you get 2+0+2+4=8. Eight is a significant number. In the Biblical study of numbers, the number 8 represents transformation. Additionally, if you turn the eight on its side, you get the infinity symbol. Now, I’m not sure what any of this means, but I do find it interesting. Add to that the fact that chromium, the 24th element, is the most reflective, and our bodies need it to survive.
Could we see major transformations this year? I honestly do not know, but many prophets, both religious and secular, are saying major changes are coming to the Church and the economy. I tend to look at all the angles when looking at the spiritual meaning behind these things, and perhaps there is a clue in all of this.
I believe this year will be a year of transformation and reflection. Now, understand me here, transformation can be a double-edged sword. It can be good or bad, depending on where that transformation lands. My hope is that the church transforms into the image of Christ, and my personal hope is that I reflect that. May this be the case in YOUR life as well!
May transformation, love, and prosperity be yours! And may the love of Christ be so incredibly reflective that it shines contagiously onto others. May this thought be your guiding light.
“And this Light never fails to shine through the darkness – Light that darkness could not overcome!”
John 1:5