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GARNET – A Planted Seed – God’s Word

Updated: Jul 6, 2021

On the 3rd day of creation, God said,

“Let the earth cause grass to spring up, herb producing seed, fruit-trees yielding fruit after their kind the seed of which is in them on the earth. And it was so… And there was evening, and there was morning – the third day.” Genesis 1:11-13

While Adam was in the Garden of Eden, he was told by God that he could eat of all the trees but one; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If the fruit of that tree had seeds in it, which all fruit does, the seed of that knowledge was placed within Adam at the time he ate. He then, in turn, passed the seed of the knowledge of good and evil to his descendants through his bloodline. It is this knowledge of good and evil that caused a separation between him and God and ultimately between his descendants and God. However, along comes Abraham, the father of the Hebrews. Abraham knew and loved God and actually had a working relationship with Him. In fact, God called Abraham his friend. God took his friend, Abraham outside to look at the stars and tells him that his seed will be like the number of the stars that he was seeing. God wanted him to understand what He was going to do through his seed. Abraham’s seed did indeed bloom and they bloomed inside Egypt and inside captivity. When a seed is placed in the ground, it is held captive by the dirt, but during that time, if the seed gets water and nourishment, it can grow, even in difficult circumstances. This is exactly what the Hebrews did. They were planted, watered and they grew and created more seeds until a nation of over 6 million sprung up. This nation, planted and chosen by God, would in turn plant more seeds. Not without difficulty, however, still productive.

The garnet is the 3rd gemstone in the breastplate, representing God’s seed within us. Just as the Old Testament speaks of the significance of the seed, so does the New Testament.

In the 8th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Jesus describes the Word of God as being a seed. Then He goes on to say,

“Listen with your heart and you will understand!”(v.8 TPT) “The seed is the word of God.” (v.11 )

According to this parable, Jesus states that God has placed His seed which is the Word of God within our hearts. John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

If the seed represents the Word of God in our hearts, and the Word was with God and is God, then Jesus is not only that Word, but He is also that seed! Jesus is the seed that is given to many. Through the imagery of the garnet, God was showing the nation that salvation would come through His seed, the coming Messiah.

  • For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 1 Peter 1:23

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