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FROM Victory, not FOR Victory

We are not fighting for victory but rather from victory. The story of the priestly breastplate shows us precisely what the breastplate of righteousness is; a protective shield.

“His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you.

You can run under his covering of majesty and hide.

His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.”

Psalm 91:4

It is armor protecting the heart of the righteous, which simply put, is the heart of the believer.

In the book, Dressing for the Battle, Armed to Win, I go into details about each gemstone in the breastplate, each month of the Hebrew calendar connected to that gemstone, each Tribe of Isreal, and each constellation. Here is an excerpt from that book:

"The Great I AM has approved you, therefore you can say “I am approved.” I AM has given you wisdom through his word, therefore you can say “I am wise.” I AM has seeded his word within your heart, therefore you can say “I am growing in the knowledge of his Word.” I AM is worthy of “praise”, therefore you can say “I am offering a sacrifice of praise to the One True God.” I AM has made his throne within you, accessible to you 24/7, therefore you can say “I am boldly approaching his throne.” I AM has said you are more than a conqueror, therefore you can say “I am victorious.” I AM has restored and transformed you, therefore you can say “I am restored and transformed by the renewing of my mind.” I AM has made your destiny with Him, therefore you can say “I am a co-heir with Jesus and I am reigning with him.” I AM has said to be bold and courageous, therefore you can say, “I am bold in the Lord.” I AM said you were created in His image, therefore you can say “I am a child of the Most High. I AM said you are highly treasured, therefore you can say “I am highly treasured. A treasure worth dying for.” I AM said you belong to Him, therefore you can say “I am the Bride of Christ”

And when the enemy says you are not good enough, you look him in the eye, point to your breastplate, and say, “See here you wicked devil! Look! I’m wearing what you lost! The Father gave it to me and He says I am!”

I encourage you, to seek out that which God has hidden in His word, to be released in the last days as a source of hope, a source of knowledge and significant meaning, and a glimpse into the future of those whose names have been written in the Lamb’s book of Life. There is so much to this life we’ve been given. So much mystery, intrigue and it all has such meaning. God wants us to seek it out."

Dressing for the Battle, Armed to Win, available on Amazon.

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