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Can You Really Slay a Giant If You Are Afraid of a Rabbit? Part 2

"You cannot kill giants while running from rabbits. You cannot scale mountains while hiding in caves. You cannot take territory if you give away your inheritance. And, you cannot cast out of the atmosphere what resides in your heart."

~Michael Dalton, Yes Ministries International

So, the question remains “how do we accomplish this, and slay giants and move mountains?” Until we decide that we need serious one on one time with God, it will never happen. Going to church is fine but if we leave the same way we went in, then worship never happens. Worship is coming into the presence of the Almighty and when this happens, you cannot stay the same. It’s impossible. The presence of God changes you from the inside out. It’s impossible to meet with God and not be changed in some way. And the power of God comes with it!

In this time in history, many churches are doing online services; which is great, but if you didn’t go into the presence of God inside the church building, will you really do that from your sofa? Do you want more? If not, then this article is not for you. However, if you want more from your relationship with Christ, then the only way to get that is to spend quality time with Him. Think about it. It’s like dating. Those first dates are awesome and if you really like the person, you want to spend as much time with them as possible to get to know everything about them. It’s the same thing with Jesus. The more time we spend with Him, getting to know His heart, learning to obey His teachings, the more time we want to spend with Him. We will make it a priority and we will receive His power. This power comes to everyone who seeks. And this power is one of courage, not fear. This power will move you into action. You will not easily run from the demonic, but rather with this power you will pick up your sword, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6) and you will speak that Word to the demonic (giants) and that giant will have to flee, and nothing will hurt you!

This power will also give you insight into where those giants are working so that you can take action. Because honestly, these giants we face are not always obvious. They come disguised as good people many times. Without the power of Christ, we will not recognize the evil that lies behind or within.

This power will give you wisdom to say no when things that might “appear” to be good but are not actually good for you. Things that “appear” to be good, but they lead you into more fear, more debate and cause you to walk against what God says for your particular situation. This power will give you determination to be obedient to God, rather than to man or institution. This power will give you the authority to stand firm in faith knowing those mountains will move and those giants will fall and the little rabbits that follow us around… well, they aren’t so scary after all.

“God’s word is alive, you see! It’s powerful, and it’s sharper than any double-edged sword. It can pierce right in between soul and spirit, or joints and marrow; it can go straight to the point of what the human heart is thinking, or intends to do.” Hebrews 4:12 New Testament for Everyone

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